One week down.  Today actually started week 2 of it.  I did 6 days last week, 30 min each day.  It was a killer workout that is for sure and I sweat up a storm.  I am going to try to wear my heart rate monitor again tomorrow and see how it goes.  I tried on Saturday but with the gloves on I kept hitting the stop button I think on the watch.  Maybe I will put the watch on the other wrist to try it that way.

So I did weight myself this am although it was after the workout and eating breakfast (because I forgot to do it when I got up at 4:30am) and I stayed the same.  While I am not happy with that I guess I should be because it means I am not gaining.  I am just trying to figure out how to lose this weight.  I know a big part of it is my strength training and I really need to kick that up a notch it has just been hard.  I am training for a 10mile race that I have on 5/1 so I need to also run.  I have been neglecting my running but not fully focusing on the strength training either.  I think I am just getting bored and since I am almost done with my training session I am nervous as to where I go from here.

It was easy when Martin was training me I had a schedule to follow I knew what to do and I felt like I was able to stick to it.  I just need a change but don’t know how to come up with that change effectively.  I think my goal for this week is to do some research on some new exercises but to come up with a plan like Martin did and have it written down so when I go to the gym I know exactly what I am doing.

I was lazy this week with everything , yet I worked out every day but yesterday (Sunday).  I don’t know what is going on or why I am feeling this way.  Doing my best to stay focused now though and not allow the emotions of late to take over the eating.